Friday, May 2, 2008

where's waldo chloe?

Any guesses?

The older girls were having fun piling all of our baby toys on top of Chloe in the Exersaucer, leaving only big, blue eyes and a mop of black hair as our clue to find her. Sorry, no red striped shirt.


Kim said...

Those are some beautiful big blues

Kristi said...

My girls used to love to pile stuffed animals on top of Caleb while he was in his crib. He thought that it was pretty fun too (of course I would have to monitor the "fun")!!! :-)

The "LOVE" that the babies of the family get to get, huh?!! :-)

Oh...and how funny that you would have answered a lot of those same ways on my "tagged" post! We DO have lots in common! :-)