Tuesday, June 24, 2008

the workings of a two year old

While driving home from picking my girls up from Vacation Bible School yesterday, I was trying to pick Britten's brain about everything she learned that morning. Britten's a little young to participate in VBS, missing the age deadline of turning 3 by several months. But I felt Britten would really enjoy and benefit from attending VBS as I've personally witnessed her do similar things alongside Ella during Ella's preschool year and absolutely love it. So after much begging and pleading kindly asking, the director of Children's ministry agreed to let Britten attend.

After a short bout of tears while dropping her off with Ella yesterday, Britten joined right in and had wonderful morning. When I picked them up, 2 1/2 hours later, I could tell, from big pouty lips and tired eyes, that Britten was exhausted and a little crabby.

So, here I am, driving home with the girls, happily trying to pry any bit of information out of Britten. "How was your day? What did you learn? Did you sing any songs? Did you get to eat a snack?"

On any normal day, Britten would be bouncing up and down in her car seat, spilling out answers at a million miles a minute. But yesterday, she was different. She was quiet.

Finally, out of the blue, Britten said:

"Mommy, stop talking!"

Whoa...you can imagine my surprise by that response. It was a little rude, which of course, caught me off guard, but more than anything I was shocked that Britten wouldn't talk to me!

So, acting hurt, I decided to play along.

"Fine, Britten...I'm zipping my mouth shut and not talking the rest of the way home!"

Her eyes got as big as saucers. Within a millisecond, the "old" Britten was back, talking away, a million miles a minute, trying desperately to get me to talk! But, I wouldn't. I just drove, looking straight-ahead, not saying a word. Finally, a frustrated Britten said:

"Mommy, put your mouth back on and TALK!"

And with that, we enjoyed a friendly conversation the rest of the drive home.

***On a side note, I'm beginning to think Britten IS still a little young to enjoy a full week of VBS. Apparently, when my husband picked her up today, Britten's teacher kindly mentioned that Britten didn't want to participate much of the morning and instead, preferred to be held. I'm not sure we'll be sending her back tomorrow, if not for Britten's sake, at least for the sake of her teacher's poor arms.


About said...

Hey you, cute story. While you were talking about Britten still being too young for VBS (oh, 'ole VBS, who's idea was it to have "school" in the summer! they should really think about calling it something else... )Tangent! - I was thinking about how big they're getting. Let me know when I can visit! And discuss a time to do a grown-up dinner!

Oh, and I don't know if you know this site, but the mom's I used to nanny for like it so I thought you might too... http://www.momtalk.com/


4under3 said...

Julia is spending the week at her gma's with her cousin to attend VBS this week too.

As much fun as Julia said she is having over the phone, my MIL said that she is the youngest of her group and you can tell.

Lisa said...

Aren't you clever? My boys won't tell me anything about VBS this week. I asked about the Christian Radio station being there today and my oldest acted like he didn't know what I was talking about. I should threaten to escort him everywhere so I know what is going on!

Kristi said...

A little reverse psychology there...works all of the time with those two and three year olds!! :-)

Caleb sometimes will pull away when I try to give him lots of kisses. SO, I too have kind of "acted hurt" and then said, "That's OK...I really didn't want any kisses right now anyway."

Sure enough, he comes running full force at me with lots of kisses!!! :-)

Hope that VBS continues to go well. What a great ministry and a fun time for kids! My kids have always LOVED it!!! :-)