Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I enjoy a good workout. I've been an avid exerciser since high school, but it all began in my junior high days, when my mom would literally drag me out of my bed at 6:30am on Saturday morning and force me to walk the bike trail with her. I didn't exactly enjoy those early mornings. In fact, I can honestly admit that I hated them. I'd get so exhausted half way through our 3 mile walk, I'd grab hold of my mom's little arm and she'd end up dragging me the rest of the way home. I guess, in the end, it gave me a little break from our speed walk and resulted in an intense workout for her.

My mom is known around our small hometown for her "speed walking." She's a little lady, but when her arms start flying, that woman can walk faster than most can run! It's amazing, really. My mom also enjoys a good workout. Before we had a local community center, she had to be creative with her "workout routine." I remember finding my mom in the living room doing crunches, aerobics and all sorts of crazy stuff to her Praise and Worship music. I thought she was so weird and was always so embarrassed of this, especially if I had a girlfriend with me. Now that I'm a mom, I think I have clearer picture of her reality. With 4 little children, my mom was doing what was necessary to get "the job done." If that meant exercising in her living room, among the toys, dog bones and kids, so be it. Good for you, Mom! (Please note: My mom kept a very tidy and clean home. Never do I recall toys or doggy bones being thrown about the living room floor. Kids maybe, but that's about it.)

Because of my mom, health and exercise has become a crucial part of my life. I don't enjoy speed walking, and in case you're wondering, I still can't keep up with her when we go for walks, I enjoy RUNNING! I was never in track or cross country (tried both, quit both), but started running more in my college days. It began as something I forced myself to do, knowing the benefits behind a good run, but is slowly evolved into something I loved and now NEED as a part of my life.

Running is such an easy and convenient way to exercise. Weather permitting, I'll run around our neighborhood, or easier yet, I'll jump on my treadmill. Lately, I've been taking advantage of the childcare at our local gym, and exercising there several times a week. It's a nice little break during the day for me and the kids absolutely love their play area.

Last Wednesday, as I was doing crunches on one of their ab machines, I happened to glance into the Studio where they hold their classes. Normally, I wouldn't pay much attention to their classes (I'm not a "group class" kind of girl. I prefer to keep to myself, do my 40-minute run and finish with some quick ab and floor workouts), but lately (since having Chloe), I've been wanting to do more strength and core training. This class really grabbed my attention because the workout looked fun, and different, and between all of the different things they were doing, really seemed like something I'd enjoy! So, right then and there, sitting on my ab machine, I decided I'd be going to the class next Wednesday.

Which brings me to today. I found out, by looking at my class schedule, this class is called F.I.T. Not sure what it stands for, but it seemed appropriate, just by what I witnessed last week. I dropped my kids off at childcare and walked confidently up the stairs to the studio. After telling the instructor I was "new" to class, she guided me through what props I'd need. Four dumb bells, a bench, an exercise ball, a weight bar and a mat. Sounds easy enough, right?!

10 minutes into class, we were still doing the "aerobics," getting our heart rate up and warming up for the hard stuff. I thought, bring it on, lady...bring it on. I can DO this!

10 minutes later, we're into the "hard stuff" and my muscles are starting to hurt. They were hurting in places they've never hurt before.

10 minutes later, my body is screaming, "OOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!"

10 minutes later, I found myself inwardly crying for my mommy (I'm not even kidding) and thought, "How on earth will I make it 20 more minutes?"

10 minutes later, I'm screaming at my instructor (under my breath, of course), praying to be put out of my misery!

The last 10 minutes...Countdown is on! We do a some push-ups, a little abdominal work and some stretching.

Finally, we're done...and I'm a noodle. I almost stumbled down the stairs I confidently walked up just an hour before. I went to childcare to pick up my kids. I can barely carry Chloe in her car seat, my arms are trembling so much. I finally get them strapped in their seats and I'm able to sit...sit, take a breath and think.

F.I.T. Fabulously.Insane.Training. Will I be back next week? You bet I will!


Anonymous said...

Good for you! I chuckled out loud when you said "I am a noodle." Wow, I am so impressed! I wish I had discipline like that for exercising. I'm so proud of you, you cute little noodle!

sarah said...

isn't it funny how feeling like a noodle is a good thing :) how an intense workout can leave you exhausted - but feeling SO good. i started doing more "group fitness" classes a year ago and know exactly what you're talking about! i'm so addicted!! (oh and you can't beat free child care - right ;) te he he)

brianna gray said...

Nice work Amanda! I've never tried that class before, but it sounds intense! You should try out The Mixx sometime. I've been to that one on Wednesdays at 5:45 (at the Eagan Life Time) a bunch and its a blast... a butt-kicker, but a blast! :)

Thanks for the motivation through your blog!

Kristi said...

Great post, Amanda!!! :-)

I hear ya...I love a good run, a few sit-ups, maybe some squats and push-ups and I am done (yeah, I probably should stretch, but I never seem to "make time" for that!). I have never really tried the "group thing"...for one, right now, I don't have a gym membership. And, for two, I am just not very coordinated. Sure I was a gymnast for 10 years...but, that doesn't mean that I don't trip over my feet a little too often!!! :-)

Good for you...even though it hurts like crazy to use muscles that we didn't even know we HAD, it feels kind of GOOD in so many ways too, doesn't it???

Hope you enjoy going is only going to get a bit "easier" each time, right??? :-)

Lisa said...

I should be a noodle. I have been trying to get back into the gym routine and it has been hard with a new baby. She isn't so new now, but still have the childcare issue. You have inspired me. :-)

Hilary said...

Wow! Good for you! You are going to be buff in no time it sounds!
I'm on my 4th week of working out 5/6 times a week...but I don't think I'd be ready for F.I.T.!! Maybe someday :)
Until then, I look forward to hearing how next week goes for u!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could go to class with you!!! The PACC discontinued night classes, so I am back to weight training on my own...maybe you should just go ahead and move back to Perham and be my work out buddy! I like that idea:)

Heather ann