Sunday, November 29, 2009

it's time again!

With another two weeks under my belt (literally), it's time for me to photograph the changes in my pregnancy. Here's me two weeks ago, 33+ weeks:
Here's a couple of me tonight, 35+ weeks:
My belly almost looks smaller, but I can guarantee it's because he's dropped in the last week or so. Even though I still feel really good, I'm getting more uncomfortable and I can feel that he's a lot lower.
I'm shocked that I have less than a month to go. We're still on track to have a scheduled "water break" (sounds refreshing, doesn't it? It's not much of a "break" if you ask me!) on the week after Christmas. I'll be over 39 weeks at that point, and if I haven't had the baby by then, my doctor wants to make sure I have a "controlled delivery" given my history of very fast labors. We might have to do it a bit sooner depending on how my body progresses, but for now, I feel really good.

For as excited as I am about having this baby, I'm not even close to being ready. We just listed our house for sale and have been looking at options to build, so suffice to say, I've been very, very busy and preoccupied with all of that. I honestly haven't purchased one baby item (not even one!) for my little guy, not even an outfit to wear home from the hospital. I'm a horrible mommy!

The truth is, I'm not even concerned about it. The more babies I have, the more I realize that most of the preparation for a new baby is done in vain. As long as the car seat is installed properly for the ride home, all the new baby really needs is me. That makes me feel special. :)


Kami said...

You definitely do look smaller! Glad to hear that things are moving smoothly with the little guy. I love your perspective on the clothes and preparation. It's quite refreshing!

If you do need to borrow some clothes, let me know and I'd be happy to bring them to you!

Amy said...

Can't wait to meet him - and we'd love to see you too :)

Angela said...

You look SO beautiful, Amanda. Seriously- you are the most adorable pregnant lady! Can't WAIT to meet your little boy and see what you're going to name him!!

Mamaskills said...

I wish I stayed as tiny as you when I was that pregnant....still probably wouldn't go there though :)

mrs boo radley said...

Yes, all that little boy needs is you! I hope all continues to go well for you. I wish you the best with your house and your move!

mrs boo rad

Angela said...

When is that little guy coming?? Can't wait to meet him!! Merry Christmas to you guys!